Pranayam benefits | 20 Breathing exercises and pranayamas benefits

Breathing exercises and pranayamas benefits:

Breathing exercises and pranayamas

Breathing exercises and pranayamas-

Breathing exercises and pranayamas -Yoga is not only the assana or postures,it is also a exercises that control our breathing and purifying our respiratory system like-increase the capacity of lungs,blood circulation etc.Pranayama can be defined from two words Prana+ayama which control the breathe. In pranayama we learn how to control our breath in daily practice.

Pranayama is the breathing exercises that increases the energy in our body and also detox your body.IN a present life everyone have a some stress and works tension so,to remove it Pranayama is the best way.Doctors also suggest the pranayama to make a fit and healthy in present life because it supplies more oxygen in our body and keep our mind relax.There are also a many benefits of Pranayama and breathing exercises that we can discussed.

Benefits of Pranayamas & breathing exercises:

1.Controls Breathing:

Yoga is helpful to maintain breathes because there are many pranayamas like kapalbhati and anulom vilom pranayamas that helps us to remove breathing diseases.

2.Controls Blood pressure:

Yoga exercise is helpful to control blood pressure because yoga relax the mind of people and decrease stress  that control blood circulation in our body.

3.Increase concentration:

Yoga Pranayamas  can helps to increase the concentration of childrens in study because it gaes a relax to our mind and controls our blood circulation.

4.Gave relaxation:

Yoga Pranayamas  helps to controls yourself to do some breathing exercise that improves sleep because it gave relaxation to our mind that improves our sleeping capacity.

5.Helpful for digestive system:

Yoga pranayamas helps the people to make a strong and healthy digestive system because It is a exercises that controls breathes and make a mind relax and controls our blood circulation and remove the problrm of acidity,gas and heartburns that makes our digestive system strong and healthy and we know that exercises always improves our digestive system.

6.Makes us a drug free:

Exercise makes people strong and decrease the dosage of medicine that encourages the peoples to overcome from drugs world and live a life happy and drug free.

7.Heplful to remove stress:

In yoga there are many  pranayamas that can be helps people to remove stress.Like-Vejrassans,anulom vilom pranayamas etc that can help us to remove stress.because we know that Yoga is not only physical exercise but also a mental exercise.

8.Overcome from depression:

Yoga has many exercises that helps people to overcome from depression and hypertensions like Surya Namaskar that removes depression and people feel relax.

9. Build self confidence:

Yoga Pranayamas gave peace to the mind of the people and people feels better that can increase the confidence of the peoples and also improves his thinking skills and remove the stress of the peoples.

10.Decrease Pulse rate:

Yoga asans decrease the pulse rate of our body,decrease pulse rate means that your heart is strong and healthy because decrease pulse rate means to pump more blood in few pumps.

11.Detox the body:

Yoga Pranayamas can detox our body because the yoga Pranayamas  and poses purifies our organs and body  that can remove the wasteful things in our body and detox the body of the peoples.

12.Increase self control:

yoga pranayamas can helps the people to reduce the stress and depression of the body that can helps the people to increase the self confidence and the self control of the person because the yoga pranayamas can gave relaxation to the people that increase his self control.

13.Increase memory:

Yoga Pranayamas can helps the people to increase the memory of the persons because the yoga Pranayamas decrease the stress level and improves the blood circulation in our body that can increase the memory of the persons mind.

14.Decrease the level of Cholestrol:

we know that the yoga Pranayamas can improves the blood circulation of our body and controls the blood pressure of our body that helps the people to decrease the level the cholestrol.we have a need to do different yoga poses to contol cholestrol the increase in level of cholestrol is the cause of heart attack and blocking.

15. Contact with god:

Yoga pranayamas is also helps to contact the people with god  because in the ancient times many peoples use pranayamas to contact with god because these pranayamas gave a peace to our mind that helps the people to attach with god.

16.Increase our energy:

Pranayamas means control our vital energy or breathing exercises helps us to increase our energy because it controls our respiratory system,blood circulation etc that helps us to increase and store our energy.

18.Increase the way of thinking:

Breathing exercises helps us to increase the way of thinking because it relax our mind and remove the stress that helps us to increase our thinking skill.

19.Controls blood circulation:

Pranayamas helps us to control the blood circulation because the pranayamas helps to relax the mind of the people that controls blood pressure and also controls the blood circulation.

20.Improves respiratory system:

Pranayamas also helps to improves the respiratory system because we know that breathing exercises helps to purify and increase the capacity of lungs that removes the wasteful toxins from our body and makes a people healthy and strong.

Breathing exercises and pranayamas

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