Padmasana | Lotus Pose| Padmasana Steps| Padmasana benefits

Padmasana[Lotus pose]:Steps,benefits and precautions-

Padmasana or Lotus pose-

Padmasana is also known as Lotus pose. The Padmasana is make from two sanskrit words Padma which means Lotus and Asana which means posture or pose.So,Padmasana is that posture in which we make a posture like a lotus.Padmasana is that meditation posture in which we sit on a floor and both legs are crossed each other and plvce our foots on the upper part of thighs.This is the one of the best meditation posture to calms and relax our mind or increase the flexibilty of knees and the ankles.

Padmasana or Lotus pose

Padmasana is practicing from ancient times.In ancient time many Rishis or lords doing this asana to relax or calms our mind because this asana helps the people to contact with god to improves our concentration in god.Like- Lord shiva or Shivji also sit in that posture to increase his concentration or to make a contact with god.IF you wants to relax our mind or reduces the level of stress this asana is the best option because this posture helps to make a deep meditation.

How to do Padamasana[Lotus pose]:

  • Firstly,sit on a mat or on floor with straight your legs and  back.
  • Bend your right leg and place your right foot on top of your left upper thigh.
  • after that bend your left knee and place your left foot on the upper right thigh.
  • Relax your shoulders and keep your hand on knees in gyan mudra or any other mudra position.
  • Make sure that your both legs are crossed each other and place your foots on the upper part of thighs.
  • after complete these steps breathe with a calm mind and keep your head and spine straight.
  • Exhale,use your hands to release the feets and stretch you out in front and relax.
  • This is the one cycle of padmasana.
  • Beginners,practice half lotus in strating because in starting we cannot make a full lotus pose due to less flexibility and stretch.The half lotus pose is also known as ardha padmasana.

Padmasana for Begginers:

Beginners face many difficulty to doing padmasana in starting because in starting peoples joints and muscles are less flexible.So the main tips for beginners is that,it should practice Ardha Padmasana  which is also known as Half Lotus pose because in beginning the full lotus pose cause a serious injury in knees and the ankles.This is the major problem of this asana.
So,the beginners has a need to practice only the ardha padmasana or half lotus pose to avoid injuries.

Benefits of Padmasana:

1. Padmasana is helpful for a high blood pressure problem.

2. It calms and relax our mind.

3. It makes the skin clear.

4. It improves the memory power of peoples.

5. It is also helpful to remove the bladder problem.

6. It improves the flexibility of ankles and knees.

7. It is also helpful to improves the muscles strength.

8. This asana is also helpful in a condition of pregnency.

9. This posture applies pressure to the lower spine,which has a relaxation effect on the nervous system.

10. It makes the knees and ankles strong.

11. It removes the problem of insomenia.

12. It is also helps to decrease the level of stress.

13. This asana improves the concentration of the peoples.

14. It is also helpful to controls the problem of diabetes.

15. This asana also helps to improves our immune system.

16. Padmasana also improves our digestive system.

17. Padmasana also fix the menstural discomfort and fertility problem.

Padmasana or Lotus pose


  • Person suffering from knees and ankles should avoid this asana.
  • Person suffering from back injury also avoid this asana.
  • Those person who suffering from a hip pain should not practice this asana.

when to do should:

  • To do this asana morning time is the best.But,there is no any rule when you should do this asana,we also do it in evening.
  • Do this asana when your stomach is empty because it gave effective results to our body.
  • Stretch your legs and feet according to your capacity.
  • Do this asana when you are free in the morning and feel relax because this you to reduce your stress and makes your mind cool.

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