Dhanurasana | How to do Bow Pose | Dhanurasana Benefits - Yogaassans

Dhanurasana(Bow Pose):How to do it,its benefits and precautions:

Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)
Dhanura = Bow

Dhanurasana is derived from two sanskrit word 'Dhanura' which means 'Bow' and 'Asana' means 'Posture'. Dhanurasana is that posture in which we take a shape like Bow. Dhanurasana is the best posture or asana to loss weight or increase the flexibility or strength.

Danurasana is the best one of the basic Hatha yoga because dhanurasana is the best bending back posture which increase the flexibility of our spine and makes it strong.If you wants to loss weight or improves our digestive system Dhanuasana is the option because in this posture we transfer our weight on a stomach or lower abdominal muscles.So,we can say that Dhanurasana is one of the best back bending posture that helps to improves the flexibility or strength to take a pose like Bow.


  • What is Dhanurasana?
  • How to do Dhanurasana-
  • Benefits of  Dhanurasana-
  • Precautions of Bow pose-
  • Tips for Beginners-
  • When to do it-

How to do it:

  • Firstly sit in vajrasana posture and relax your shoulders.
  • Now,lie down on your stomach and keep your feet stlightly apart,almost parallel to your hips and place your arms on the side of your body.
  • Now Exhale,while exhailing slowly fold your legs up.
  • Take your hands back and grasp the right ankle with the right hand and left ankle with the left hand.
  • Breathe in and lift up your chest off the ground or floor and pull your legs up and stretch it out.
  • You should feel the stretch on your arms and the thighs.
  • Try to maintain your body on the lower abdominal and look upward.
  • Hold the posture as long as you can comfortably hold the in hale breathe.
  • Place your chest and chin to the ground.
  • Now,slowly exhale bringing the knees to the floor and release the ankles.
  • Slowly bring your legs and arms straight down on the floor.
  • Now,slowly come back to the starting position.
  • This is the one cycle of Dhanurasana or Bow pose.
  • Repeat it 2 to 5 times for effective results.

Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)

Benefits of Dhanurasana:

1. It is more effective to increase the flexibility of our spine,arms and legs.

2. It Strengthens our back,thighs and shoulders muscles.

3. It is helpful to improves postures.

4. It improves kidney and liver functioning.

5. It also helps to cures respiratory Disorders.

6. It is helpful to improves the blood circulation in our body.

7. Regular practice of dhanurasana helps to relieve back pain and release the strain in the upper back and neck.

8. Dhanurasana also helps to improves the digestive system and solve the problem of gas,acidity or heartburns.

9. Regular prvctice of this asana also helps to solve the problem of asthma.

10. Dhanuasana also helps to solve the problem of menstrual disorders.

11. It strengthens our ankles and knees and increase its flexibility.

12. Dhanurasana also helpful to loss body weight.

13. It helps to improves the function of liver and kidney.

14. It also helps to stimulate the reproductive organs.

15. It is also helps to controls the problem of diabetes.


  • Person who have suffering from insomnia should not practice this posture.
  • High or low blood pressure problem persons should avoid this asana or pose.
  • If a person have any back or shoulder injury should avoid it.
  • If a person have any stomach related problem should not practice this asana.
  • Person suffering from Hernia should not practice Dhanurasana.
  • Women in pregnency should avoid it.
  • If a person have any abdominal surgery should avoid this posture.
  • If a person suffering from any neck,ankles or knees injury should not practice Dhanurasana.

Beginners Tip's:

If you are beginner firstly, I will suggest you to hire trainner or take the help of your partner to practice  Dhanurasana because if you are less flexible,this asana cause a serious injury in your back.Secondly, Bending back according to your flexibility or capacity.As a beginner if you have any difficulty to stretch your thighs,roll a blanket and place under your thighs to solve the issue to thighs stretch.

When to do it:

Early morning is the best time to practice Dhanurasana or bow pose.Make sure that practice it with empty stomach to take a effective results from this asana or pose.There is no any rule to practice it,you will practice it anytime in day.But practice it early morning without eating anything to take a effective results from this asana.

Preparetory Pose:

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