Yoga Asans | yoga poses | yoga asans,benefits and its types

Yoga Asans | yoga poses with benefits-

What is yoga Asans?

Yoga Asans or poses refers to a different postions and postures that makes a people flexible, fit and healthy.It is the physical exercises that maintain a balance in our body and improves flexibility.Yoga  assans is related to stretching of our body in different pose and postures.

Yoga Asans | yoga poses

In our daily life yoga plays a very essential role in our life to makes fit and healthy.There are many types of Yoga asans that improves our strength, flexibility and make healthy.In other words we can also explains that Yoga assans is a poses or postures that improves the flexibility of the human body and makes a people healthy and strong.It is related to physical exercises .some Assans are- Vejrassan,Bhujangasana,Balasana,Gomukhasana,Tadasana etc. there are many other different types of asana that we can discuss in short.

For a begginers yoga assans and poses are not easy but you listen "Practice always makes a men perfect".when you start doing Yoga you face a difficulty  but when you done yoga everyday you makes a perfect in this field and you mvkes every poses and postures because we know that Yoga makes a people flexible. Yoga is that thing that can change the life of people to gave it flexbility and diseases free life.There are many other benefits of Yoga assans that we can discuss later.

Some Benefits of Yoga Assans-

1.Helps to improves strength:

Yoga assans can improves strength because yoga asans is a diffcult positions and postures that increase our muscles capacity and flexiblity.These assans are also cure us like a medicines that imoroves our strength.

2.Loss body weight:

Yoga assans is a set of postures assansnd positions there are many exercises like: Cow pose exercise that helps people to loss our body weights to do exercises.

3.Improves postures:

Yoga assans has a many exercises that hepls us to maintain good postures of our body parts that gave perfection to our body and decrease injuries because yoga assans   is a postures and positins that improves flexibility.

4. Increase body flexibility:

We know that yoga assans refers to a exercises  that hepls people to increase the flexibility of our body like chakrasans increase the flexibility of the body.

5.Helps to recover from injuries:

 yoga assans is helpful  to easily recover from injuries because we know that yoga is a exercise that increase flexibility of our body that reduces the chances of injuries.

6.Helpful to remove pain:

Vejraasan is the one of the asan that helps people to       remove back pain because Yoga makes a muscles strong that help us to remove pain of our body.

7.Increase stamina and strength:

Yoga assans can helps us to increase the stamina and strength of our body from a different yoga postures and poses.

8.Controls Breathing:

Yoga is helpful to maintain breathes because there are many pranayamas like kapalbhati that helps us to remove breathing diseases.

9.Controls Blood pressure:

Yoga exercise is helpful to control blood pressure because yoga relax the mind of people and decrease stress  that control blood circulation in our body.

10.Increase concentration:

Yoga can helps to increase the concentration of childrens in study because it gave a relax to our mind.

11.Gave relaxation:

Yoga helps to improves sleep because it gave relaxation to our mind that improves our sleeping capacity.

12.Helpful for digestive system:

we know that yoga asans is a postures and positions that improves our flexibility and makes us strong.It is a exercises and we know that exercises always improves our digestive system.

13.Makes us a drug free:

Exercise makes people strong and decrease the dosage of medicine that encourages the peoples to overcome from drugs world and live a life happy and drug free.

14.Heplful to remove stress:

In yoga there are many assans and pranayamas that can be helps people to remove stress.Like-Vejrassans,anulom vilom pranayamas etc that can help us to remove stress.because we know that Yoga is not only physical exercise but also a mental exercise.

15.Overcome from depression:

Yoga has many exercises that helps people to overcome from depression and hypertensions like Surya Namaskar that removes depression and people feel relax.

16. Build self confidence:

Yoga assans gave peace to the mind of the people and people feels better that can increase the confidence of the peoples and also improves his thinking skills.

Basic Yoga Asans -

There are many types of postures and poses that helps the people to maintain our body in balance.Yoga assans also helps to removes many health related problems.

In a present life anyone flexible,healthy and fit body,these assans helps you to get a heathy and fit body.These are the basic yoga posses and assans.

Adho Mukho Svanasana 
Baddha Konasana
Uttana Padasana
Yoga Asans or yoga poses

These are the some assans that helps to increase our body strength and flexibility.

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