Tadasana | Mountain pose | Tadasana steps | Tadasana benefits

Tadasana(Mountain Pose):How to do it,its benefits and precautions-

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Tadasana- is derived from two sanskrit word 'Tada' which means 'Mountain' and 'asana' which means 'posture'.So,Tadasana is also known as Mountain pose. Tadasana is that simple standing pose in which we will stand like a Mountain. Tadasana is the base for all standing yoga poses because every standing asana is the base of asana.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose

If you wants to increase your height tadasana is the best way to increase height or lose body weight.Tadasana also improves the flexibility of knees and ankles.This asana also known samarsthiti in sanskrit.

Mountain pose is the basic pose to perform any asana or pose that is benefitial for our health because it maintain a balance in our body and relax our mind.Do this asana at any time in a day but the morning time is the best to practice tadasana or mountain pose also make sure that practice it at empty stomach to take a effective results.

How to do Tadasana:

  • To do this asana firstly,stand straight with both of your feet  at a distance of 2 inches with one another.
  • Now lift your hands to your shoulders,keeping palms facing each other and then interlocks your fingures together.
  • Now,slowly bend your wrists outwards.
  • Now taking a deep breath in and slowly lift your hands up above your head while keeping them in line with the shoulders.
  • Keep your body straight in this posture and heels up from ground and stand on your toes.
  • without losing your balance stand in this position for a fifteen seconds.
  • But make sure that breathe in and out normally.
  • Stay in this position is difficult for beginners,but we know that practice makes a men perfect.
  • When you stay in this position you will try to focus on a single point in front of your eyes to maintain balance.
  • Do this asana regularly to improve the balance of our body.
  • after stay in this position ten to fifteen seconds slowly breathe out and place your heels back to ground.
  • Slowly release interlock the fingures of the hands,bring the arms down and come back to standing position.
  • Practice this asana daily 10-15 minutes to maintain a balance of our body and improves our postures.


1.Tadasana is helpful to increase the height of the childrens.

2.It is helpful to improves the flexibility of knees and ankles.

3.It increase the of our legs muscles.

4.Tadasana is helpful to improves our body postures.

5.It control the problem of high blood pressure.

6.It is also helpful for our nervous system.

7.It is helpful to improves our body postures.

8.It improves our digestive system.

9.It also helps to lose body.

10.It improves the flexibility of spine.

11.Reduce flat feet problem.

12.It relax and calms our mind.

Tadasana or Mountain Pose



  • Headache problem person should avoid this asana.
  • people with a problem of ankles injury should avoid it.
  • Women in pregnency also avoid this asana.
  • Low blood pressure problem person should not practice this asana.
  • Person in problem of Varicose Veins should avoid this asana.
  • Shoulder pain person should not practice it.

Beginner's tips:

In a beginning everyone face difficulty to practice tadasana because beginners find it diffculty to maintain a balance in this pose. so,to comfortably practice it,place your  both feet with  a distance of 3-5 inches to improve the balance.Make sure that as a beginner if you have any injury in knees or ankles do not practice it without consult to your doctors.

When to do Tadasana:

There is no any rule to practice tadasana but if you wants to take a effective results from tadasana,practice it  in a morning time without eating anything or empty stomach.You can do it anytime in a day but we suggest that the morning time is the best to practice any asana with empty stomach.


  • stay straight with both of your feet  at a distance of 2 inches with one another.
  • keep your palms in front of you before raising hands upward.
  • Interlock your both hands fingures with each other after raising both hands up from head.
  • Stand straight on your both.
  • Exhale slowly when you release the posture.

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