Sukhasana - The Easy Sitting pose | Sukhasana Benefits

Sukhasana - Easy Sitting Pose : Steps,Benefits and its Precautions-

Sukhasana - Easy Sitting Pose

Sukhasana is derived from two sanskrit word 'Sukha' which means 'Easy' or 'Comfort' and 'asana' means 'Posture'. We know that Yoga is a best  way for calming our mind. Like that Sukhasana is One of the basic sitting crossed legs posture for meditation and beginners. Sukhasana is very simple meditative posture which can be practice by all age peoples to live physical fit and relax the mind. The main aim of Sukhasana is providing peace,calmness,comfortable or strengthens our muscles. Sukhasana is also known as The easy sitting pose or Comfortable sitting posture. 


  • Know about Sukhasana.
  • How to do it.
  • Benefits of sukhasana.
  • Precautions of sukhasana.
  • Tips for Beginners.
  • Variations and modifications.
  • When to do it.
  • Preparetory Poses .

How to do it:

  • Firstly,sit on a mat or  a floor with spine errect.
  • Stretched legs straight in front of you.
  • Bend the right leg and place your right feet under the left thigh.
  • Similarly,Bend the left leg and place the left feet under the right thigh.
  • Rest your arms on the knees.
  • Keep the shoulder relax and little bent elbows.
  • Rest the outer edge of your feet on the floor.
  • Keep the spine straight and close your eyes.
  • Make sure that straight your head and your chin are parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the posture as much far as comfortable and breathe normally.
  • This is the sukhasana or Easy pose.
Sukhasana - Easy Sitting Pose

Benefits of sukhasana:

1. Sukhasana helps to improves the body posture.

2. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue.

3. Best posture for meditation.

4. It strengthens the spine and increase its flexibility.

5. It relax and calms our mind.

6. It improves the blood circulation in our body.

7. It improves our nervous system.

8. It makes our ankles ,hips,knees and thighs strong.

9. It is also helpful to increase the concentration and focus.

1o. It  keep our body physically and mentally balanced.

11. It creates the flexibility in ankes and knees.


  • People suffer from any knees or ankle injury should not practice this posture.
  • If a person suffer any back pain or back injury should avoid it.
  • Person suffer from Sciatica problem avoid this posture.

Beginners tips:

  • As a beginner,if you have a problem to sit on the floor place a folded blanket under your hips or torso.
  • If you feel pain in your back support your back from a wall.
  • If you are not able to bend your knee for long time,place a block under your knees.
  • Practice it in early morning with empty stomach for effective results.

When to do it:

We know that everyone suggest to practice yoga in morning. so,the early morning is the best time to practice sukhasana . Make sure that practice it with empty stomach to take a effective results from this asana or pose.There is no any rule to practice it,you will practice it anytime in day.But practice it early morning without eating anything to take a effective results from this asana because this posture is best for meditation and for meditation early morning is the best time.Make Sure that should take a meal before 5 hours because between this time you can digest you food and you have a enough energy to practice this posture.

Variations and Modifications:

  • Use a folded blanket under your torso or hips,if you feel uncomfortable in sitting to the floor.
  • Place a blocks under your knees when you feel pain in your knees.
  • If you feel pain in your spine,support your back to the wall.
  • If you are more flexible,you can go to the Padmasana or Lotus pose.

Preparetory Pose:

Dandasana or Staff pose:

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