Ujjayi pranayama or Ujjayi breathe | How to do it

Ujjayi pranayama or Ujjayi breathe:

Ujjayi pranayama-

Ujjayi pranayama - refers to that pranayam in which we can inhale and exhale deeply with a sound like a ocean wave that can be produced from friction of air inside the throat .The ujjayi pranayama also known as Ocean breathe.This is sound smooth like a ocean.

Ujjayi pranayama or Ujjayi breathe

In ujjayi pranayama Inhalation and exhalation are done from nose but in inhalation situation we can inhale from both nostril but exhale only from the left nostril with a noise of ocean wave that can be produced with a throat.

This pranayama is one of the basic pranayama that can be done by everyone in present life because it helps to recover from many dangerous diseases like thyproid,blood pressure problem,remove stress,etc.


  • Firstly,sit in a padmasana or any other pose in which you feel comfortable.
  • Sit on that place or environment in which you feel relax and cool.
  • Straight your spine and neck.
  • place your hands on a knees and take a mudras position and close your eyes.
  • Inhale deeply from both the nostrils with a sound like ocean wave that can be produced from friction of air inside the throat when mouth is closed.
  • when you inhale,place your chin on a upper part of chest and inhale deeply according to your capacity or comfortability.
  • After stop breathing,raise your right hand and place a right hand thumb on a right nostril.
  • Exhale deeply,from the left nostril with a sound that we can produced from throat.
  • Make sure that you have a need to exhale only from a left nostril instead of right.
  • This is the one cycle of the Ujjayi pranayama or Ocean breathe.
  • There are a some problem in begnning to produce ujjayi breathe,but when you practice daily it can be produced.
  • Everyone has a need to do it for a minimum five minutes or 3-6 time daily in morning.


1. Helpful to remove the problem of thyroid.This pranayama is the best way to cure the thyroid problems.

2. Ujjayi pranayama helps to remove the stress because it relax the mind of the peoples.

3. Helpful to controls the blood pressure because it removes stress and makes our mind cool that controls blood pressure.

4. Ujjayi Pranayamas  can helps to increase the concentration of childrens in study because it gaves a relax to our mind and controls our blood circulation.

5. It improves the capacity of lungs because it purifies our body and makes it diseases free.

Ujjayi pranayama or Ujjayi breathe

6 .Ujjayi Pranayamas can detox our body because the yoga Pranayamas  and poses purifies our organs and body  that can remove the wasteful things in our body and detox the body of the peoples.

7. This pranayama also helps to solve the problems of cold and cough because it removes the harmful toxins from our body through cough.

8. It helps to removes a tension and makes a mind relax and cool

9. Ujjayi Pranayamas also helps to improves the respiratory system because we know that breathing exercises helps to purify and increase the capacity of lungs that removes the wasteful toxins from our body and makes a people healthy and strong.

10. Ujjayi pranayama helps to increase the capacity of lungs and also helps to recover from corona virus.

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