Bharamari Pranayama | Bee breathing technique:steps and its benefits

Bharamari Pranayama | Bee breathing technique:How to do it benefits and its precautions:

Bharamari Pranayama | Bee breathing technique-

Bharmari pranayama is also known as Bee breathe technique.The word Bharmari is a sanskrit word which can be derived from a sanskrit word Bharamara which means Bee.During the exercise of this pranayama the sound is produced resembles the buzzing of a black bee.

Bharamari Pranayama | Bee breathing technique

If you a problem of stress,depression and high blood pressure this is the best way to cure because this practice of breathing exercise cools and calms our mind and make it relax that helps us to remove the problem of hypertension,stress etc.This is a the simple exercise that will do everyone at home to improves our nervous system.

Steps for bharamari pranayama:

  • Firstly,Sit in any comfortable posture.
  • Keep your spine straight and feel relax.
  • Now,place your thumbs in the ears and then place the index fingure about the eyebrows.
  • After it close your eyes and placed the second fingyre on your eyes and then ring fingure is placed near the layer of nose.
  • Now,Inhale through the nose and the partialy closing the nostrils.
  • And then,Exhale from the both nostrils with a sound like-a bee.
  • After that release your hand from eyes and open the eyes and relax.
  • This is the one repetition of the bharmari pranayama or bee breathe.
  • Do it daily five to ten minutes daily to makes your mind relax and cool.

Alternative method to do it:

  • Firstly,Sit in any comfortable posture.
  • Keep your spine straight and feel relax.
  • In this method we can place our both hands index fingure in a ear and close the eyes.
  • Then,Inhale deeply from both the nostrils and exhale it with a close sound of black bee.
  • after that release the index fingures from ears and open the eyes and relax.
  • This is the open repetition of the alternate method of Bharamari pranayama.
  • It is easier that first method.

Benefits of Bharmari pranayama:

Relax and calms our mind.

Improves sleeping.

Helpful to improves the concentration of student in studies.

Helpful to remove the stress and depression.

It is also helpful in self healing.

It controls the blood pressure.

It balance the problem of hormonoimbalance.

It contact us with god.

Removes the problem of headache.

It helps to improves the memory.

Helpful to controls anger.

Improves our nervous system
Bharamari Pranayama | Bee breathing technique


  • sit in that posture in which you feel comfortable.
  • Place the second fingure smoothly on your eyes.
  • Don't place your thumb inside the ear.
  • Don't place your fingure hardly on your mouth.
  • Close you mouth when you produced a sound of bee.
  • Make sure that you have to inhale from both the nostrils.

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