Kapalbhati | Kapalbhati pranayam | kapalbhati yoga with kapalbhati benefits

Kapalbhati pranayam or Forhead shinning breathing:How to do it and its benefits:

Kapalbhati pranayam-

Kapalbhati pranayam-The word Kapalbhati is make from two words Kapal and bhati.Kapal means the top part of the head which is forhead and Vati means shinning.So, kapalbhati is a shinning forhead breathing exercise in which,we have to exhale forcefully with pulling back stomach and remove the harmful toxins from your body.
Kapalbhati pranayam or Forhead shinning breathing

Kapalbhati pranayama is one of the famous pranayama that can be mostly used in india.In kapalbhati pranayama we forcefully exhale with pulling back our stomach that helps the people to purify the body and decrease the major diseases problems likes-heart problem,weight loss,diabetes etc.Doctors also suggest the people to the pranayama to fastly recover from any diseases.

The word kapalbhati suggest that mainly it can be helpful to improves the nervous system of our body because this breathing exercise gave a relax to our mind,makes our mind stress free and also helps to increase our memory.

Steps to do it:

  • Firstly,sit in a Padmasana or any other posture in which you feel relax and close your eyes.
  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect.
  • Place your hands on the knees with a any mudra position.
  • Inhale deeply and expand the chest,expel the breathe with forceful contraction of abdominal muscles.
  • Continuous active exhalation and passive inhalation.
  • As you exhale,pull your navel in back towards the spine.Do so much as you comfortably can.
  • Take a deep breathe,exhale slowly and relax.
  • This is the one round of kapalbhati pranayama or Shining forhead breathing.
  • In a beginning do it  30 times,as you may get tired.
Kapalbhati pranayam or Forhead shinning breathing


1.Kapalbhati help us to remove the harmful toxins from our body and makes our body healthy.

2.This pranayama is highly useful to treat common cold ,pneumonia and asthma.

3.Kapalbhati also helps to improves our respiratory system because it purifies our lungs and increase the capacity of breathe.

4.Kapalbhati has also helpful on the working of nervous system because as the brain cells recieve blood rich in high oxygen content,it enhances the funtioning of brain cells,improving memory and concentration and efficiency.

5.Kapalbhati Pranayamas helps us to control the blood circulation because this breathing exercise helps to relax the mind of the people that controls blood pressure and also controls the blood circulation.

6.Kapalbhati helps to cure from the diabetes and hair loss problem because it is a the best way to cure any mentally and emotionally and makes a relax and cool.

7.Kapalbhati pranayamas is also helps to contact the people with god  because in the ancient times many peoples use pranayamas to contact with god because these pranayamas gave a peace to our mind that helps the people to attach with god.

8.This Pranayamas can improves the blood circulation of our body and controls the blood pressure of our body that helps the people to decrease the level the cholestrol.we have a need to do different yoga poses to contol cholestrol the increase in level of cholestrol is the cause of heart attack and blocking.

9.Forehead shinning Breathing exercises helps us to increase the way of thinking because it relax our mind and remove the stress that helps us to increase our thinking skill.

10.Kapalbhati also helps to control our anger and emotions because it relax our mind and it stress free.

11.Kapalbhati also helps to improves the digestive system  and remove the actidity and gas problem from our body.

12.Kapalbhati also plays a very important role in loss body weights.

Who not to do it:

  • people with a problem to back pain and any disc problem do not to it because do it we sit straight regularly in asana.
  • Person have a problem of hernia also do not do kapvlbhati.
  • old age and heart problem people do kapalbhati to appoint a yoga expert.
  • Pregnent women also has a need not to do the kapalbhati.

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