Nadi Shodhana pranayama | channel-cleaning breathe Pranayam:Steps and its benefits

Nadi Shodhana pranayama or  channel-cleaning breathe:Steps and its benefits: 

Nadi Shodhana pranayama or  channel-cleaning- 

Nadi shodhana pranayama is a same like a anulom vilom pranayama.Nadi shodhana refers to that breathing technique in which we inhale deeply from one nostril and exhale from the other nostril.Nadi is a sanskrit word which means channel and shodhana means purify.This pranayama purifies the body and all the nadis.Nadi shodhana is also known as channel-cleaning breathe.

Nadi Shodhana pranayama or  channel-cleaning breathe

If you wants to purify the lungs and body the  nadi shodhana is the best way because it relax our body and controls the blood circulation.In nadi shodhana you will inhale the fresh air but when you exhale it removes the harmful toxins from our body makes our body healthy and strong.

Steps for Nadi shodhana:

  • Firstly,sit in a padmasana and any other relax position on a mat in morning.
  • Keep your back straight and place your both hands on your knees and take a gyan mudra or any other mudra position.
  • keep your left hand on knee in mudra position.
  • Raise your right hand and place your right hand thumb on your right nostril and close it.
  • Inhale deeply from a left nostril without any noise,than close the left nostril and exhale through right nostril.
  • This is the same like a anuloma viloma pranayama but there is some difference of inhale and exhale because in anulom vilom we can fastly inhale and exhale but in Nadi shodhana we can inhale and exhale smoothly without and noise.
  • After that close the left nostril from the right hand fingures and Inhale deeply through the right nostril and exhale from the left nose.
  • This is the one repetition of the Nadi shodhana.Do it for minimum ten minutes ten minutes.

Nadi Shodhana pranayama or  channel-cleaning


Helpful to increase the memory.

Helpful to improves the respiratory system and lungs capacity.

Controls the blood pressure.

Removes all the cardiovascular problem

Helpful to removes the stress and tension.

Relax our mind.

Purifies the body and blood.

cool down nervous system.

Helpful to recover from asthma.

Detox our body.

Make strong immune system.

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