Anulom vilom | Alternate nostril breathing:Steps & benefits

Anulom vilom pranayama[Alternate nostril breathing exercise]:

Anulom vilom pranayama-

Anulom vilom- anulom vilom is a that Pranayam  or breathing exercise in which we can inhale from a one nostril and exhale from another during breathing and vice-versa. This is the cycle of anulom vilom pranayama.Anulom vilom is the best breathing exercise to imroves our lungs capacity and relax our mind.

Anulom vilom pranayama[Alternate nostril breathing exercise]

In our present life Anulom vilom pranayama plays a very important role because it restores the energy in our body and makes a mind relax.Anulom vilom pranayama is not only a breathing exercise because it purify our lungs,controls blood circulation and gave a peace to our mind.

Doctors also suggest anulom vilom pranayama to live a healthy life because this pranayama has purify our all body and removes the harmful toxins from our body that are the cause of many harmful diseases like asthma,depression,blood pressure problem etc.

How to do it:

  • Firstly,sit in a relax position on a mat in morning.
  • Keep your back straight and place your both hands on your knees and take a mudra position.
  • keep your left hand on knee in mudra position.
  • Raise your right hand and place your right hand thumb on your right nostril and close it.
  • Inhale deeply from a left nostril,than close the left nostril and exhale through right nostril.
  • After that close the left nostril from the right hand fingures and Inhale deeply through the right nostril and exhale from the left nose.
  • This is the cycle of anulom vilom pranayama.
  • Do it for five to ten minutes daily to relax our mind and make a healthy and fit.

The anulom vilom pranayama is also known as alternate nostril breathing method.

Anulom vilom pranayama[Alternate nostril breathing exercise]

Benefits of Anulom vilom:

 1. Anulom vilom pranayama  can helps to increase the concentration of childrens in study because it gaes a relax to our mind and controls our blood circulation.

2. Anulom vilom pranayama helps to controls yourself to do some breathing exercise that improves our sleep because it gave relaxation to our mind that improves our sleeping capacity.

3. Anulom vilom pranayama can helps people to remove stress remove because we know that Yoga is not only physical exercise but also a mental exercise  and it controls our blood circulation that gave  a peace to our mind.

4. It also helps to removes depression and people feel relax and confident.

5. Anulom vilom pranayama can detox our body because the yoga Pranayamas   purifies our organs and body  that can remove the wasteful things in our body and detox the body of the peoples.

6. Anulom vilom pranayama can helps the people to increase the memory of the persons because the Pranayamas decrease the stress level and improves the blood circulation in our body that can increase the memory of the persons mind.

7. Anulom vilom pranayama is also helps to contact the people with god  because in the ancient times many peoples use pranayamas to contact with god because these pranayamas gave a peace to our mind that helps the people to attach with god.

8. Anulom vilom pranayama also helps to improves the respiratory system because we know that breathing exercises helps to purify and increase the capacity of lungs that removes the wasteful toxins from our body and makes a people healthy and strong.

9.  Anulom vilom pranayama helps us to increase the way of thinking because it relax our mind and remove the stress that helps us to increase our thinking skill.

10. Anulom vilom pranayama also helps to increase the sleeping capacity because it removes stress and gave relax.

When to do it:

There is no any rule to practice any pranayam but if you wants to take a effective results from anulom vilom pranayama,practice it  in early morning time without eating anything or empty stomach.You can do it anytime in a day but we suggest that the morning time is the best to practice any asana with empty stomach.we also suggests you do it everyday for fifteen minutes to detox your body and makes it healthy.

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