Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]:Steps,benefits and its precautions
Surya Namaskar-
Surya Namaskar is also known as Sun salutation.Surya Namaskar is one of the best warm up exercise before you perform any kind of asana or pose.Surya Namaskar is the set of 12 powerful yoga exercises in which we can perform 8 asanas in a sequence.Surya Namaskar is a full body workout because it has a positive impact on our physical health as well as mentally.
Surya Namaskar is made from two sanskrit word Surya which means Sun and Namaskar which means Salutation.Sun gave a energy to everyone on the earth Like that Surya Namaskar boosts our energy and strength.Surya Namaskar is perform in twelve steps that increase our strength and create a positive impact to our mind and body.
There is no any rule to practice Surya Namaskar but,Early Morning is the best way to perform Surya Namaskar with a empty stomach.You will also practice it in evening during sunset.But their name sun salutation suggest that practice it during a sun rise for a effective results from Surya Namaskar.
Steps for Surya Namaskar:
In a surya Namaskar we perform 12 steps in one cycle to complete it.
Step1:Pranamasana(Prayer pose)
Firstly, you stand straight on the front of mat with both the feet together.Ensure your arms are side of the body and your chin are parallel to the ground.Balance the body equally on both the feets. This is a samarsthiti.To do the first step,while inhailing bring the palms in front of the chest and join them together in a Namaskar Mudra and exhale.This is called pranamasana.
Step2: Hastauttanasana(Raised arms pose)
While breathing in slowly,stretch your body from waist up,raising both of your hands up above your head,bend your head and waist backwards and keep your legs straight.This asana is known as Hastauttanasana.
Step3: Hastapadasana(Forward Bend pose)
In a third step,slowly breathe out and bend your body forward to both the palm touch on the floor on either side of your feets.Remember that bending down both your arms in a head are together and your nose are between your legs.This asana is called Hastapadasana.
Tip: If you wants to bend knees to touch the palms on the floor you can bend your knees if you feel uncomfortable in straight legs.
Step4: Ashwa sanchalanassana(Equestrian pose)
In this step,while taking a deep breathe,take your right leg back and rest your knee on the floor,ensures that your right leg is on your toes,leave your left leg in a angle of 90 degree and both your palms on the floor,your hips is down and your chin is up.This is called ashwa sanchalanassana.
Step5: Santolanasana(plank pose)
![Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation] Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]](
In the fifth step,while breathing out take your left leg back in such a way that is should be parallel to the right leg.Ensures that your hands and shoulders are in a straight line.Your back shouders position and your hips are also in a straight line in a plank position.This asana is also called Santolanasana and in this position slowly breathe in.
Step6: Saashtang Namaskar(Caterpiller pose)
In Six step, exhale slowly and keep both your knees on the floor at the same time and also chest and forehead on the floor,ensures that yours hips are up and your elbows are closed to your body.This asana is called Saashtang Namaskar.
Step7: Bhujangasana(cobra pose)
![Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation] Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]](
In seven step, While breathing in,push your body down and slide your chest and head forward.Raise your chest up in the cobra position,ensure that your legs are straight and bend your elbows to raise your chest up in cobra posture.This asana is known as Bhujangasana or cobra pose.
Step8: Parvatasana(Mountain pose)
![Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation] Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]](
Eighth step,While slowly breathing out take your toes inwards,raise your hips upto the point so your body takes the shapes of mountain,Ensures that your both the legs are straight and palms on the floor and your head is in between your arms.This asana is called Parvatasana.
Steps9: Ashwa sanchalanassana(Equestrian pose)
Ninth step,Brings your hips down and while breathing in bring your right leg forward.Keep your knee and left leg on the floor and go to Ashwa sanchalanasana.
Step10: Hastapadasana(Forward Bend pose)
![Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation] Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]](
Tenth step,In this step,bring your left leg also forward and while breathing out come back to Hastapadasana or forward bend pose.
Step11:Hastauttanasana(Raised arms pose)
![Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation] Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]](
In this step,while breathing in slowly raise your body and take both your hands up and go back to Hastauttanasana.
Step12: Pranamasana(Prayer pose)
![Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation] Surya Namaskar[Sun Salutation]](
In this step,while slowly breathing out stands straight again and go to the position of pranamasana.
This is the one cycle of the Surya Namaskar Do it in sun rise or sun set time to take a effective results.
Benefits of Surya Namaskar:
- It increases the capability of lungs.
- It is very helpful to improve our immune system.
- It is also helps to controls the problem of diabetes.
- It regulates the secretions of endocrine glands.
- Surya Namaskar helps to control or manage weight of our body.
- It strenghtens our muscles.
- It increase the flexibility of our muscles and joints.
- It boosts the blood circulation of the body.
- It solves the heart problems.
- It relax and calms our mind.
- It is highly benefits the memory and nervous system because it relax our mind.
- It helps to manage the cardiovascuolar problem.
- It is also increase the flexibility of our spine.
- Persons has a problem of High blood pressure should avoid Surya Namaskar.
- Hernia problem person should not practice Surya Namaskar.
- Women in Menstrual cycle should avoid it.
- sciatica problem person also has a need to avoid it.
- Spine or back pain person also avoid Surya Namaskar.
- Person has a problem of Cervical spondylitis also not perform surya namaskar.
- Person with a problem of Peptic Ulcer shuld avoid this.
- Knee or ankles injury person also avoid surya namaskar.
- Pregnent women also not practice Surya Namaskar.
When to do it:
We know that everyone suggest to practice yoga in morning. There is no any rule to practice it,you will practice it anytime in day.But practice it early morning without eating anything to take a effective results from this asana.Make Sure that should take a meal before 5 hours because between this time you can digest you food and you have a enough energy to practice this posture.
I hope my information is helpful for you to know everything about Surya Namaskar.If you like this information please share it to others.I have a faith on you that you will always share this information to your friends,family or others to gave the benefits of yoga.