What is Yoga?
In simple words we also says that "Yoga is a set of exercises that makes a people flexible and mentally strong".Yoga is not only blending or twist our body into different positions but it is also helpful to remove the stress, tension and makes a people healthy.
In a present time asthangayoga is a most popular yoga used in india. Asthangayoga is explains by patanjali .It describes the eight main parts of asthangayoga by Baba Ramdev.
These are the points:-
Yama:- It describes the regulations for living in the society.
Niyama:- It decribes the techniques to maintain youself
Asana:- It refers to the postures to make fit and healthy.It is the different postures and positions to maintain a balance in our body.There are many types of asaans that can be describes by Baba Ramdev like:-Chakarassana,vejrassana etc.
Pranayamas:- It refers to the techniques to improve breathing skills that maintain balance in physically and mentally in our body.
These parts of asthangayoga are related to maintain physical balance in our body.The next four parts are related to improve mentally condition and sense.
These are:-
Pratyahara:- This is related to mental control and sense control.
Dharana:- This is related to maintain concentration in any work.
Dhayana :- This part of asthangayoga is related to the meditation.
Samadhi :- It is related to get knowledge about universe.
Uses BY:
Yoga can be used by anyone who wants or need of it. Like:- a sportsman used Yoga to make fit and flexible,a children is used to make a concentrate on studies, an old age people is used to make flexible muscles and decrease diseases and a gym boy used Yoga to make strong and flexible. so Yoga is used by anyone according to our needs.Benefits of Yoga
Physical Benefits of yoga-
- Yoga is helpful to makes a people fit and flexible because in a yoga there many aassans like chakraassana that makes a people fit and healthy.
- Yoga exercise is helpful to maintain good postures because aassans in yoga can helps us to make good postures.
- Yoga is helpful to loss body weight because it has many exercise that help us to loss weight like cobra pose in yoga.
- Yoga helps to decrease the joints pain to used a yogas aassans.
- Helpful to easily overcome from injuries by vejraasaans that give relief from back pain etc.
- Yoga helps to increase body strength and muscles power.
Medical Benefits of yoga-
- Breathing exercise of Yoga helps to makes our lungs strong because Yoga has many pranayamas that helps to control breathe.
- It is benefitial to for heart because it controls the blood pressure by doing the Kapalbhati pranayamas.
- Yoga helps,to overcome from headaches.
- It is helpful to remove stress and hypertension because anulom vilom pranayama hepls to remove our stress and tension and makes our mind stress free.
I hope my information on Yoga is benefitical for you,if you like this please comment and share our website.