Bhastrika pranayama:steps and its benefits

Bhastrika pranayama:How to do and their benefits:

Bhastrika pranayama-

Bhastrika pranayama is also known as Bellows breathing. Bhastrika is a sanskrit word which means bellows.Bhastrika refers to that breathing technique which generates heats in our body to inhale and exhale deeply.This pranayama helps to controls the problems of Kapha and makes a balance in our body.

Bhastrika pranayama

Bhastrika pranayama is like a kapalbhati,but not a same because in kapalbhati we exhale forcefully to remove the harmful toxins from our body but in bhastrika we can inhale deeply and forcefully exhale.This pranayama generates heat in our body that makes balance in our body.


  • Firstly,sit in a position and posture. in which you feel comfortable.
  • Keep your spine and neck straight.
  • Keep both the hands on your knees in a gyan mudra position and close the eyes.
  • Now,Inhale deeply from your both nostrils.
  • After that inhale deeply stop the breathe  for five count and forcefully exhale it .
  • Make sure that you have a need to exhale from your nostrils not your mouth.
  • This is the one repetition of Bhastrika pranayama.
  • Do this pranayama ten minutes daily makes your perfect in it and improves your heartbeat. 


Helpful to controls the blood circulation.

Improves the capacity of lungs.

Purifies the lungs

Helpful to remove the stress and depression.

Improves our heart rate.

Removes the throat allergies or problems.

Removes the problem of headache and make calms our mind.

Improves our memory.

Helpful to removes the heart problems.

Helpful for a problem of asthma or any allergies.

Bhastrika pranayama

Who not to do:

Person who has a problem of high blood pressure can not practice this pranayama because it generate heats in our body.

It is also not practice in a situation of pre

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