5 Basic Pranayams and breathing exercises with images-Yogaassans

5 Basic Pranayam and breathing exercises:How to do it

  • Kapalbhati pranayama:[forehead shinning breathing]
  • Anulom vilom pranayama[Alternate breathing technique]
  • Bhastrika pranayama[Bellows breathing]
  • Ujjayi pranayama[ocean breathe]
  • Sheetali pranayama[cooling breathing technique]

These are the best basic pranayamas that helps the people to live a healthy life because these breathing exercise improves our capacity and restores the energy in our body. Pranayama refers to that breathing technique which purify our body and removes the harmful toxins from our body.

1.Kapalbhati pranayama:[forehead shinning breathing]

Pranayam and breathing exercises


  • Firstly,sit in a Padmasana or any other posture in which you feel relax and close your eyes.
  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect.
  • Place your hands on the knees with a any mudra position.
  • Inhale deeply and expand the chest,expel the breathe with forceful contraction of abdominal muscles.
  • Continuous active exhalation and passive inhalation.
  • As you exhale,pull your navel in back towards the spine.Do so much as you comfortably can.
  • Take a deep breathe,exhale slowly and relax.
  • This is the one round of kapalbhati pranayama or Shining forhead breathing.
  • In a beginning do it  30 times,as you may get tired.

2.Anulom vilom pranayama[Alternate breathing technique]

Pranayam and breathing exercises


  • Firstly,sit in a relax position on a mat in morning.
  • Keep your back straight and place your both hands on your knees and take a mudra position.
  • keep your left hand on knee in mudra position.
  • Raise your right hand and place your right hand thumb on your right nostril and close it.
  • Inhale deeply from a left nostril,than close the left nostril and exhale through right nostril.
  • After that close the left nostril from the right hand fingures and Inhale deeply through the right nostril and exhale from the left nose.
  • Do it for five to ten minutes daily to relax our mind and make a healthy and fit.

3.Bhastrika pranayama[Bellows breathing]

Pranayam and breathing exercises


  • Firstly,sit in a position and posture. in which you feel comfortable.
  • Keep your spine and neck straight.
  • Keep both the hands on your knees in a gyan mudra position and close the eyes.
  • Now,Inhale deeply from your both nostrils.
  • After that inhale deeply stop the breathe  for five count and forcefully exhale it .
  • Make sure that you have a need to exhale from your nostrils not your mouth.
  • This is the one repetition of Bhastrika pranayama.
  • Do this pranayama ten minutes daily makes your perfect in it and improves your heartbeat. 

4.Ujjayi pranayama[ocean breathe]:

Pranayam and breathing exercises


  • Firstly,sit in a padmasana or any other pose in which you feel comfortable.
  • Sit on that place or environment in which you feel relax and cool.
  • Straight your spine and neck.
  • place your hands on a knees and take a mudras position and close your eyes.
  • Inhale deeply from both the nostrils with a sound like ocean wave that can be produced from friction of air inside the throat when mouth is closed.
  • when you inhale,place your chin on a upper part of chest and inhale deeply according to your capacity or comfortability.
  • After stop breathing,raise your right hand and place a right hand thumb on a right nostril.
  • Exhale deeply,from the left nostril with a sound that we can produced from throat.
  • Make sure that you have a need to exhale only from a left nostril instead of right.
  • This is the one cycle of the Ujjayi pranayama or Ocean breathe.
  • There are a some problem in begnning to produce ujjayi breathe,but when you practice daily it can be produced.
  • Everyone has a need to do it for a minimum five minutes or 3-6 time daily in morning.

5.Sheetali pranayama[cooling breathe technique]

Pranayam and breathing exercises


  • Firstly,sitting in a padmasana or any other comfortable position in which you feel relax.
  • Place both the hands on your knees in a gyan mudra position and close your eyes.
  • Now role up the tongue and gave it shape like a tube.
  • Inhale maximum according to your capacity through the tongue and take the tongue inside the mouth and close the mouth.
  • Make sure that inhalation at that time when your lungs completely fill with air.
  • Then slowly exhale through the nostrils.Make sure that you have a need to exhale from both the nostrils.
  • This is the one repetition of the Sheetali pranayama.
  • In starting you have a need to do it for 5 minutes daily.

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